This Lane Bryant campaign is all over social media, with the slogan #ImNoAngel. Have you seen it? What are your thoughts?
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Here's what Stefanie says:
Hooray! But, to be honest, and this is just my opinion, from my perspective as a woman and a consumer, I love the concept of boldly and proudly featuring plus size women in mainstream media and on New York City buses, and I'm happy that the campaign is making waves because every step towards representing beauty diversity is a step in the right direction, however, I feel that these women are very similar in body and shape, and have few of what many of us unfortunately consider "flaws", and it would have been nice to see actual diversity of shapes and sizes in this campaign - specifically - to support the message. Elle Magazine is quoted as saying that this campaign "redefines sexy", but really, are any of us arguing that this is sexy? When it comes purely to product shots, I understand using models like this, but not when it comes to a campaign aimed at reinforcing the message of diversity. I feel there is little diversity here. And I kinda feel that it's like a rich woman saying she's ok with minimum wage.
But hooray again for the models, and for Lane Bryant for making headlines and drawing attention to the concept of #beautydiversity and the importance of self confidence.
Your turn. Share your thoughts below.